Chapter 34 "More intrigue from Scheitanoff "

More intrigue from Scheitanoff

Confused by the sudden change in his fortune, Bilg left the castle and wandered blindly, fleeing from people to the end of this small town. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts. After hours of aimless walking, he wanted to get back to the castle, but found himself in a narrow lane with no idea which way to turn. He didn't see anybody he could ask for directions.
“Well, young man, a bit lost? That can happen to experienced people to!” He heard, coming from a hoarse voice in a dark corner.
Frightened, Bilg took a step backwards. He knew that voice...! From the darkness the short legged form of Scheitanoff slowly appeared.
“Why so afraid, lieutenant Bilg? I am only half as bad as people make me out to be, I could even be a very good friend, if you were a bit friendly with me,”
Bilg backed up more and raised his arms defensively. “Leave me alone, go away, I don't want anything to do with you!” he stammered.
“Not so fast young man” answered Scheitanoff with a secret enticing voice, “You will soon think differently - you are actually expected!”
“Expected....? Where am I expected and by whom?” Bilg answered concerned.
“Over there in the pub!”
Scheitanoff pointed at the dark depth of the gateway with his thumb over his shoulder.
“My friends don't go into dives like that!”
Bilg became angry.
“Don't be so impetuous my young friend, there really is a little person waiting for you in there, that you know really well, a little witch, sweet as can be!” He snapped his fingers with pleasure.
“You lie!” shouted Bilg. “You are a lying rascal!”
Scheitanoff looked at him sadly with his shark eyes.
“You do me an injustice, young man...!”
Bilg abruptly turned away from him.
“Bilg!” he heard someone call at that moment
Bilg stared and stopped. That's not possible. Did Larissas' high voice call him...?
“Well, what did I tell you!”
The wrinkled mouth twisted into a wide grin.
Bilg walked a few quick steps forward and tried to penetrate the darkness with his eyes. A weak hardly noticeable strip of light betrayed a not completely closed door.
He groped a bit further, found a door knob and found himself standing on the threshold of a harbour pub. The saloon was almost empty. A fat waiter was dosing at the bar. A half drunk sailor sat in one corner, with a glass of rum, staring at nothing and and strumming a wistful melody on his guitar.
“Bilg!” he heard a low almost whispering voice. His eyes followed the sound.
At a table, in the darkest corner, he thought he recognised a figure by the flickering oil lamp. A stuffed crocodile hung from the smoke covered ceiling above her. With a beating heart he approached the table – and stood before Larissa!
“My God what are you doing here? How did you get here..? he stammered.
The girl smiled.
“I was waiting for you, because I absolutely have to speak to you alone!”
She moved over and Bilg sat down mesmerised.
“But how could you know that I would be here? I got lost!”
He looked at her beautiful shimmering teeth.
“The yearning, Bilg – I am a woman... and beside that Paramaribo is my home.”
The waiter, curious, came waddling over to ask what he wanted. He pointed at the rather large tin mug standing in front of Larissa. The waiter also brought him a mug of 'Malvasier' and disappeared behind his bottles at the bar.
“Well Bilg, isn't this a wonderfully secret and quiet spot for words that only concern us?” Continued Larissa.
Bilg had still not recovered and stared into his mug. During the whole voyage, he ever only saw Larissa with one glass of wine and even that one she only sipped at like a bird.
He took a tiny sip. The heavy wine went like a fire storm through his body.
“Don't you like me any more, Bilg?” he heard Larissa saying.
He looked at her.
“Why do you ask...?”
Yes those were Larissas' beautiful black eyes – but they didn't have the sheen that he became to love so much on the ship.
“Well...” she insisted.
“On the ship you knew it and didn't have to ask me!” he answered with quivering lips.
She gently placed her hand on his – for the first time.
“I have to be completely sure now, vida mia, amor mia – my life, my love – completely sure, before I ask my father.” She breathed.
He had never heard her speak Spanish, except with Borromaus.
“What do you want to ask him...?”
“Oh, if he will let us get married, muy amor mio!”
He wanted to pull his hand away, but couldn't.
“Not now, Bilg – but in a few years – but I have to know if I can wait for you”, she continued in a whisper.
He stared at her hand, something was strange about it.
“Where is that beautiful ring you always wore on the “"Fantoma"” and never took off?” he asked.
“Oh, that one....? I had it taken to the goldsmith, the stone needed polishing.”
Why did he never notice that Larissa had such hands:long, pointed and crooked fingers, with nails that almost looked like claws; they reminded him of spider legs.
Larissa slid so close to him that he could feel the heat of her arm.
“Can I tell my father...?” she returned tenderly to her question.
Bilg pouted in defiance.
“First I have to find my father!”
Larissa laughed loudly.
“You're looking for your father; and yet he was on board the "Fantoma" for all of the long voyage – you spoke with him uncountable times!”
Aghast he looked at the girl next to him. She moved closer to him. He couldn't evade her.
“Do you know who uncle Cyps actually is...?” she crooned.
“Count Caprioli? Your godfather but ...”
“Yes, but what is his real name?”
In Bilgs' head the world started to turn.
“Does he have another name...?
“Yes, the same as yours!”
Bilg lent away from her.
“Leave my father out of this, Larissa!”
His throat and lips were dry from anger and confusion.
Larissa smiled with a mischievous look in her eyes.
“His name is Cyprian Amadeus Count Fantoroso, and you were born on his estates.”
“Larissa, if that's true, how come you didn't tell me on the ship?”
“Could you prove without papers that you are a count Fantoroso? Du you really think, that uncle Cyps would have recognised his missing son, in a slippery cabin boy?”
“But I became a lieutenant without papers, Larissa.”
She laughed.
“Yes, because I explained everything to my father before, other wise, uncle Cyps could never have bought the officers certificate from him.”
“And what proof do you have...?
“More than enough, Bilg: your nature, your special awareness, your usual caution and bravery. When count Caprioli trusted you with the command of the "Fantoma", you accepted it so naturally – but above all, your knowledge of the Fantoroso castle and the family. We spoke about it often enough.”
Bilgs' head sank and his hands shook. He closed his eyes, unable to utter another word. Dark dream shadows surrounded him. His thoughts formed images - happy ones, terrifying, unreal images that swirled and danced around him.

When after some time he looked up again, rubbed his eyes - he was alone.
Frightened he jumped up.
The fat waiter shuffled over.
“Your order lieutenant...?”
“Where is the lady that I was talking to?”
“The lady? She left a long time ago, Sir.” wondered the waiter. “You fell asleep and I didn't want to disturb you. Your one of the crew of the "Fantoma" are you not?”
Bilg rubbed his head. “I fell asleep...?”
The waiter knew not to show surprise at the unusual behaviour of his guest.
“Well, why shouldn't you have nodded off? I am sure you must be very tired from the efforts of your long voyage – one hears so much about the adventures of the "Fantoma".”
Bilg looked into the mugs in front of him: Larissas' was empty, his own almost untouched.
“Can you give me directions back to the castle, waiter?”
“I'll send a servant to show you the way lieutenant, you wouldn't find it on your own”
he answered officiously.
“What time is it?”
“Oh, by the time you get there the sun will almost be up.”
Bilg threw a coin on the table.
“Call the servant waiter, I have to get to the castle quickly.”
The fat one shuffled away in servitude.

The servant, whose back was bent from the burden of his years, guided him through the dirty streets.
“One says, that your count is a magician, Sir” He said, trying to start a conversation.
“Nonsense...!” protested Bilg.
But the old one didn't let go:
“The young lady who spoke with you, is she also part of his party? I saw her – she is not from here.
A sutler maybe, or something like that...?”
The dry voice of the old one sounded, as if it came from far away – as if the wind carried it to his ears in loud and then low wisps. Bilg didn't pay attention – his thoughts were with Larissa.
“It was the governors' daughter” he said, without really knowing whether he answered a question or not.
The old one chuckled mockingly and mischievously.
Bilg tried to recognise the dark form of the servant – terrified he stopped in his tracks. Scheitanoff..?
But it was too dark to see any more than the sharp outlines of the man next to him.
A cool gust of wind almost blew off his hat – sand crunched lightly under his feet.
Behind the last house, shimmered the undulating line of the beach.
The servant stopped and raised his arm:”there...! he said.
A sneering chuckle followed that word.
“was it really Scheitanoff...?”
Bilgs' eyes searched the emptiness.
The servant was gone – as if the wind had blown him away.
About two miles away, high above the town, he saw the festive and inviting shimmering of the castle windows.
Bilg got under way.

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